Saturday, 17 March 2012

BGP Path Selection

From ODOM:


0) N           - valid next-hop
1) W          - weight (highest) (default 0 - learned routes, 32768 - injected routes)
2) L           - local preference (highest) (default 100)
3) L           - locally injected routes (I<E<? where I was added by network command and ? was redistributed in)
4) A           - AS path (shortest)
5) O           - origin (IGP (i) < EGP (e) < Incomplete (?))
6) M          - med (lowest) (default 0)
7) N           - neighbour type (ebgp is better than ibgp)
8) I            - IGP metric for next hop is compared
9) R          - BGP Router ID (RID) (lowest)
10) IP       - IP Address of bgp session (lowest)

1 comment:

  1. it was an awesome picture you made me full understanding BGP operation.
